More people get viruses over winter, and for some people flu and COVID-19 can be serious.

Protect yourself and your family

Getting vaccinated means protecting yourself, and may also help to protect your family, friends and patients from the viruses.

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Continue to wash hands, cover face and make space

The COVID-19 vaccine is our best defence against the virus used alongside effective social distancing, wearing a mask and washing your hands.

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A clinically approved vaccination

The vaccine has been developed and approved following a number of clinical trials involving thousands of people across the world.

COVID-19 vaccination

(For more details about the children aged 6 months to 4 years in a clinical risk group offer and Housebound patients please click the Covid-19 vaccinations tab above)

Vaccine eligibility

Who can get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Anyone aged five years old and over can get a first or second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine (primary COVID-19 vaccination course).

A booster dose is now available to key age groups:

  • A first booster for everyone aged 16 and over, and some children aged 12 to 15, once they have completed their primary COVID-19 vaccination course
  • A seasonal booster (winter booster) for some people, including those aged 50 and over, those at higher risk or who are pregnant, and frontline health and social care workers
  • If you’ve not had a first booster dose yet, you’re still eligible and can book anytime. If you’re eligible for both, you only need one booster during the winter.
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